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   March 4
 Survival Guide
Export and Import of Pets
Exporting and importing pets from and to the Russian Federation is not as complicated as in some other countries, but there still are formalities that must be complied with. Most important, there is no quarantine for pets such as dogs and cats – provided the necessary vaccinations and documents are provided to Russian customs. Stricter regulations are in effect for birds and all exotic animals

When moving with Allied Pickfords, please let us know that you will be taking your family pet(s) so that we can provide you with advice on all existing regulations applying to the export of your four-legged friend(s) from your origin country and their import to your destination country.
1. Exporting a Pet from Russia
Exporting cats and dogs from the Russian Federation is a fairly easy procedure. However, several veterinary documents are required, including export permits for any dog – regardless of whether you brought the dog with you when you originally moved to Russia or whether you bought or adopted the dog while you were here.

Stricter export requirements apply to other animals, in particular to birds and exotic animals. Please inquire with your moving company before attempting to ship any pet other than a cat or a dog so that they can advise you on the corresponding export regulations and any possible restrictions that might apply.
a. Export Regulations for Cats
You must be in the possession of a valid international veterinary document (international pet passport) for your cat with proof of vaccination against rabies and feline infectious diseases. The animal must have been vaccinated at least 1 month prior to leaving Russia, but no more than 12 months before departure. In addition to the pet passport, you must also obtain a health certificate from a state-licensed Russian vet, stating that the cat is healthy and fit to travel. This certificate must be issued no more than 3 days before the cat is due to be exported from Russia and is needed for Russian customs only.
b. Export Regulations for Dogs
You must be in the possession of a valid international veterinary document (international pet passport) for your dog with proof of vaccination against rabies and canine infectious diseases. The animal must have been vaccinated at least 1 month prior to leaving Russia, but no more than 12 months before departure. In addition to the pet passport, you must also obtain a health certificate from a state-licensed Russian vet, stating that the dog is healthy and fit to travel. This certificate must be issued no more than 3 days before the dog is due to be exported from Russia and is needed for Russian customs only.

In addition to the above, an official export permit must be obtained from the Russian Canine Association for any dog – regardless of whether you brought the dog to Russia with you or purchased / adopted the dog here, and regardless of whether you own a pure-bred dog or a stray. This permit must also be issued no more than 3 days before the dog is due to be exported from Russia.
c. Export Regulations for Birds
It is extremely difficult and expensive to export any kind of bird from the Russian Federation.
d. Importing your Cat or Dog to your Destination Country
Depending on your destination country and the particular kind of animal you are exporting, various import regulations and restrictions (including possible quarantine) may apply. Some countries also require import permits, which must be obtained well in advance of your pet’s arrival date in that country. When moving with Allied Pickfords Moscow, we will supply you with all necessary information on the import regulations for pets in your destination country.
2. Import of Cats & Dogs to the Russian Federation
Importing cats and dogs to the Russian Federation is a fairly easy procedure. There is no quarantine, and you do not have to apply for an import permit. However, several veterinary documents are required.

Stricter import requirements apply to other animals, in particular to exotic animals. Please inquire with your moving company (or the Russian Embassy or Consulate in your origin country) before shipping any pet other than a cat or a dog so that we can advise you on the corresponding import regulations and any possible restrictions that might apply.
Import Regulations for Cats & Dogs
You must be in the possession of a valid international veterinary document (international pet passport) for your cat or dog with proof of vaccination against rabies and feline / canine infectious diseases. The animal must have been vaccinated with the last 12 months.

N.B.: For cats and dogs imported from the United States: Veterinarians in the United States often use rabies vaccines that are valid for a duration of 3 years. These vaccines are not valid in Russia (as they are not available here). If a cat or dog was vaccinated with such a vaccine in the United States more than 12 months ago, the vaccination is not considered valid in Russia and you might run into problems at Russian customs. In such a case, the cat or dog must be re-vaccinated with a rabies vaccine that is valid for one year only prior to importing it to Russia. The re-vaccination is not harmful to the animal. If a cat or dog with such a 3-year vaccination is imported to Russia within the required 12-month timeframe, it is necessary to re-vaccinate the animal in Russia after the 12 months are over (despite the fact that the original vaccination is still valid).

If the original veterinary documents are not issued in English, they should ideally be translated into Russian and the translation should be notarized. This can be done either through a Russian Embassy, Russian Consulate or a certified translator's office.
DISCLAIMER - The above information was compiled by Allied Pickfords Moscow and is distributed on an “AS IS” basis, without warranty. Please note that customs regulations are subject to change at any time and without prior notice. The preceding information is a brief summary of customs regulations applicable to the export and import of pets from and to the Russian Federation and is being provided for general guidance only. Allied Pickfords cannot be held liable for any costs, damage, delays, loss or other detrimental events resulting from non-compliance with Russian Federation customs regulations or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by the information provided here.
3. Finding a Vet in Moscow
There are a few good veterinary clinics in Moscow that handle everything from general check-ups, vaccinations, and laboratory analyses to x-rays and complicated surgery, but most of them do not look and feel ‘Western’, and it will be difficult to find an English-speaking vet.

If you’re looking for a great English-speaking vet in Moscow, Allied Pickfords Moscow highly recommends our preferred veterinarians Yuri and his wife Valeria. Yuri & Valeria offer:

• Round-the-clock house calls and emergency visits (particularly helpful if you don’t know your way around Moscow or live in one of the compounds outside the city center)
• All vaccinations
• Check-ups and full examinations
• All required state veterinarian documents (international pet travel passports, health certificates and export documents for pets, including export permits for dogs)
• Pet boarding services
• Express laboratory tests and surgery
• Delivery of veterinary medications to your house
• Advice and assistance in adopting a cat or dog
• Assistance with exporting and importing pets from and to Russia (airport meetings, export / import customs clearance, pet travel advice, advice on making travel arrangements for pets, etc.)

You can contact Yuri & Valeria at 200-03-88 (home) or 8-2-906-25-10 (mobile). For more information on and a personal recommendation for our favorite vets, please contact at Allied Pickfords Moscow at (+7 095) 796-93-25 or send an e-mail to
4. Pet Food & Supplies in Moscow
Pet food and supplies are widely available everywhere in Moscow, both from local supermarkets and specialized pet stores carrying a full range of pet products - including special diet foods (including Hill’s Science Diet), veterinary medications, cat litter, toys, scratching posts, cat & dog kennels, etc. Most of the stores selling pet foods are open seven days a week, so unless your pet requires very unusual prescription food or medications, there is no need to bring along large supplies.
5. Adopt a Cat or Dog
If you are moving to Moscow or are presently living in Moscow and would like to adopt a cat or dog, please consider adopting a pet from an animal shelter!

Homeless animals are a big problem in Moscow, there are literally thousands of them, and as of today there are no official state shelters or animal homes. Only a few lucky dogs and cats are temporarily given a new home at one of several private animal shelters in the city, and even smaller numbers eventually go to a good new home.
Allied Pickfords Moscow – along with Delight Realty and International SOS, as well as a number of private individuals - supports one dog and one cat shelter in Moscow, both of which have a ‘no euthanasia’ policy. The dogs and cats from these shelters have all been given medical checkups. They have been de-wormed, de-fleed, bathed and - if they are already old enough - vaccinated. The older dogs and cats are neutered whenever financial means are available.

Puppies, adult dogs, kittens and cats of various breeds and mixes are always up for immediate adoption. You can visit the shelters anytime to meet the animals and choose your new best friend(s)! Our preferred vets Yuri & Valeria will be happy accompany you to either shelter to provide additional advice on the spot.

The animal shelters are constantly in need of donations, including pet food, toys, bowls, leashes, vitamins and other pet supplies, as well as financial means for surgery and other medical procedures.

For further information on these animal shelters, on adopting a dog or cat, or on making a donation, please Barbara at Allied Pickfords Moscow at (+7 095) 796-93-25 or send an e-mail to
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