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Arts Calendar / June 21 / Opera
19:00 Faust
Opera in three acts by Charles Gounod. 220 min (with two intervals). Music Director and Conductor: Jan Latham-Koenig. Conductor: Andrey Lebedev. Stage Director: Ekaterina Odegova. Performed in French with Russian subtitles. Charles Gounod’ Faust after the Goethe tragedy enjoys pride of place among the operas that captured Russian hearts back in the 19th century. The opera almost immediately gained popularity in Russia. The Bolshoi Theatre staged the first version in 1866, just seven years after the Paris premiere. Faust is quite literally part of Russian and Moscow opera culture. Among the exited admirers of this piece was a young doctor who later became a famous writer and playwright, Mikhail Bulgakov (1891–1940). Gounod’s opera is a recurrent character in Bulgakov’s work, and it is mentioned in the novel Master and Margarita.The Novaya Opera Theatre presented its Faust in the year of the 150th anniversary of the opera’s Moscow premiere, and of the 125th anniversary of Mikhail Bulgakov’s birth. In this production, made by stage director Ekaterina Odegova and dramatist and opera critic Mikhail Muginshtein, Goethe’s and Gounod’s characters will possess recognizable Moscow features. Evgeny Stavinsky is prize-winner in the Golden Mask Russian National Theatre Award in the categorie Opera. Best Actor for the part of M?phistoph?l?s in Gounod’s Faust in the 2016/2017.
Novaya Opera Theatre 
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