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Arts Calendar / December 5 / Film
Silent Night
17:10, 22:45. Action. USA 2023, 104 min. Directed by John Woo. Starring: Joel Kinnaman, Catalina Sandino, Kid Cudi, Harold Torres, Vinny O'Brien, Yoko Hamamura, Anthony Giulietti, John Pollack. In English with Russian subtitles. A grieving father enacts his long-awaited revenge against a ruthless gang on Christmas Eve.
Pioner Cinema on Kutuzovsky 
The Animal Kingdom (Le regne animal)
12:35, 21:35. Adventure, Drama, Mystery. France, Belgium 2023, 128 min. Directed by Thomas Cailley. Starring: Romain Duris, Paul Kircher, Adele Exarchopoulos. In French with Russian subtitles. An adventure between a father and his son, in a world where some humans have started mutating into other animal species.
Pioner Cinema on Kutuzovsky 
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