Braco Dimitrijevic exhibition (Yugoslavia-France)
Until October 21
A part of Braco Dimitrijevic's ongoing project Triptychos Post Historicus, proposing a democracy between works of art, natural phenomena and manufactured objects. By juxtaposing objects from all aspects of human experience – for example, a Van Gogh, a pile of potatoes and a market cart – Dimitrijevic was by no means suggesting a devaluation of artistic endeavour; rather he was asserting other phenomena as being equally worthy of attention.
At Ikon, he made a number of new works based on paintings loaned from the Barber Institute by artists including Vincent Van Gogh, Frans Hals and Luca Signorelli. Simultaneously, works by Eduoard Manet, Evaristo Baschenis and Domenico Beccafumi provided the inspiration for installations at the Barber Institute.