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Business Groups
Check the Expat Business Calendar for upcoming events. If you'd like to be listed please send us an e-mail to
American Chamber of Commerce in Russia, The (AMCHAM)
Founded in 1994 and uniting over 800 firms, AmCham is the largest of the foreign business organizations with membership open to all companies regardless of country of registration. Through its 17 industry committees and as a leader in the Russian American Business Dialogue, it has committed itself to working with the Russian government on key reform measures, such as the RF Tax Code, foreign direct investment regulation and customs legislation. Intensifying dialogue with U.S. decision-makers, AmCham has also broadened its policy reach by establishing permanent representation in Washington, D.C. AmCham holds High-Profile Speaker Events, Policy Roundtable Series, CEO Forums, Annual Investment Conference, Annual Seminars, Regional Briefings and Trade Missions and social events like informal Business After Hours, golf and soccer competitions, and AmCham’s exclusive annual Holiday Party, U.S. Independence Day Celebration and Awards Dinner. AmCham has a chapter in St. Petersburg.
Address: Dolgorukovskaya ul., 7-9, floor 14
Metro: Mayakovskaya
Tel: 961-2141
Fax: 961-2142
Association of European Business (former European Business Club)
The Association of European Business (AEB) is an independent non-commercial association. The AEB was established in 1995 on the initiative of several European companies registered in the Russian Federation, Ambassadors of EU member states and the Head of the Delegation of the European Commission to the Russian Federation. The mission of the AEB is to represent and promote the interests of its Members by supporting them in doing business with and in Russia through quality lobbying, information support, and through activities aimed at improving the Russian trade and business environment in conformity with internationally accepted business principles and promoting integration and partnership between the European Union (EU) and Russia.
Address: Krasnoproletarskaya ul., 16, str. 3, entrance 8, floor 4
Metro: Novoslobodskaya
Tel: 234-2764
Fax: 234-2807
Australian Trade Commission
The Australian Trade Commission (Austrade) is the Federal Government agency that helps Australian companies win overseas business for their products and services by reducing the time, cost and risk involved in selecting, entering and developing international markets. Our mission is to contribute to community wealth by helping more Australians succeed in export and international business. Austrade is represented in around 140 overseas locations in over 60 countries and in Australia.
Address: Podkolokolny per., 10a/2
Metro: Kitai-Gorod
Tel: 232-3257
Fax: 232-3298
British Business Club
The British Business Club in Russia is a registered Non-Commercial organisation. Registration Number 104 779 628 0146. Primarily we give a place for everyone to meet and talk, without restriction. We generally keep to an English language base, but we do have a good number of Russian companies and members attending who carry on their debates in Russian too. If you have any questions, please, contact us on
Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association (CERBA)
The Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association (CERBA) has a network of four offices located in Moscow, Toronto, Montreal and Calgary, and a membership base of over 200 corporations and individuals in a wide range of sectors. As an association, CERBA provides an extensive network of contacts with frequent networking events, informative seminars on pertinent topics in the Eurasian market for Canadian companies, an annual National Conference, a quarterly printed Newsletter, committees of the Canada-Russia Business Council (CRBC), access to annual trade missions, as well as market intelligence, advocacy on government policy, and active, Canada-focused sector committees. Contact Regional Liason Alexander Grichine at 735-4132 or Regional Director Elena Settles at 735-4132.
Address: Putejsky tupik, 6, floor 2
Metro: Kurskaya
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
On October 19, 1991, Russian business circles established the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (RF CCI). The Chamber's goals and objectives included protection of interests in the area of business activities, the organization of interaction between entrepreneurs and authorities, assistance in the development of business educational and training systems, assistance in the settlement of disputes arising between companies and entrepreneurs. The Chamber’s system comprises over 170 territorial chambers of commerce and industry, more than 30,000 enterprises and organizations, around 190 associations of federal-level entrepreneurs, 350 enterprises and firms established with assistance from the chambers of commerce and industry. It also helps to form an infrastructure providing services to businesses at the regional level, as well as representative offices in 16 countries, including four regional offices.
Address: Ilyinka ul., 6
Metro: Kitai-Gorod
Tel.: 620-0009
Fax 620-0360
Danish Business Club in Moscow
DBC is a club where Danish business people with activities in Russia (primarily Moscow) meet regularly, both with business / professional and social activities. Also people of other nationalities, employed by Danish companies, are welcome as members. There are two kinds of memberships. For further information and registration please contact the Secretary of the Danish Business Club in Moscow.
Finnish-Russian Chamber of Commerce
As Finland has been so dependent on trade with the USSR and Russia, the FRCC is one of the oldest foreign chambers of commerce, and has been monitoring economic activity and conducting market surveys since 1946. The FRCC has regional offices in St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod, and is headquartered in Helsinki. Membership is open to Russian and Finnish legal entities, but companies from other countries are invited to use the FRCC's services. FRCC aims to promote business activity and competitive positions of the companies and to develop economic connections between Russia and Finland.
Address: Pokrovsky bulv., 4/17, str. 4b
Metro: Chistye Prudy
Tel: 917-9037
Fax: 795-3040
Jewish Business Club
Jewish Business Club was formed for top-managers, heads of departments and divisions, making important top-level strategic decisions. The Club furthers entrepreneurial, SME activity, experience exchange, acquiring of connections in business sphere.
Tel: 741-7639
Moscow International Business Association (MIBA)
Established in 1997 and politically supported by Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, the Association organizes investment forums and other major business events in Moscow and abroad. MIBA has 18 regional offices, as well as offices in the US, Israel, Zambia, Germany and Finland. Recently MIBA’s member list contains about 200 foreign and Russian companies, dynamically working on Moscow and Russian market. The main purpose of MIBA is to form top-comfort conditions for SME activity in Moscow and regions Russian Government cooperates with.
Address: Novy Arbat ul., 36/9
Metro: Smolenskaya
Tel: 690-9107
Fax: 694-7820
Russo-British Chamber of Commerce
Established in 1916, the modern-day RBCC provides up-to-date advice, research and market-entry support (to Russia and to UK) along with regular information through the website, weekly e-mail newsletter, the RBCC Observer, and monthly members' magazine, the RBCC Bulletin. Continuous programmes of high-quality conferences, missions and seminars offer its members valuable opportunities for learning, networking and business development, while its long-standing contacts with government and business circles in both countries mean that they are strongly placed to assist its members.
Address: Tverskaya ul., 16/2, TC Gallery Actor, floor 4
Metro: Tverskaya
Tel: 961-2160
Fax: 961-2161
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