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   March 14
 Survival Guide
Dating Agency
Still single? Marriage Agency “Anastasia” will help you to find your soul-mate.

Everyone who visits Russia is immediately struck by the stunning beauty of Russian women.
Everyone who has ever been to Russia will agree - Russian women are not just beautiful; they are gentle, intelligent, well mannered and tender. Russian women make perfect wives: family is their highest value in life. To have a happy family, to love and to be loved – that is all a Russian woman needs. If you are tired of the ever-controlling power of the Western women – meet a Russian and you will find paradise lost!

We will make it easy for you to find you soul-mate in Russia!
How it works
Anastasia Web features 10 000 beautiful ladies from the CIS countries who are interested in meeting a Western man. You can send translated e-mails to any lady featured on Her reply is translated into English and forwarded to your personal secure account on All the services are free for the ladies. The ladies are carefully chosen from 60 000 applicants, and only sincere and family-oriented women are featured on the site.
Additional Services
  • Phone Translation Service
  • Free Listings in Gentlemen’s Catalogue
  • Regular and Advanced Search Engines
  • Flower Delivery Service
  • Romantic Tours to Russia and Ukraine
  • 6 months’ Executive Search Program
  • Fancée Visa Kit
  • Matchmaking service
    If you need our professional matchmaking advice feel free to visit our Moscow office. We will arrange a date with a lady for you at the time and place convenient for you.
    Anastasia Difference
  • Speed - Immediately know if the lady is interested, no more waiting for weeks or months to get a response.
  • Reliability - The mail system in the former USSR is infamous for losing mail. Make sure the ladies you are interested in actually receive your message.
  • Cost Effectiveness - Addresses can cost up to $15 apiece, with no guarantee that the lady will be interested, or even respond to you. With, messages cost as little as $3.99 to send and receive, so you don't waste money on ladies who are not interested.
  • Clarity - All messages are translated between English and Russian by professional interpreters, free of charge! (This service normally costs up to $20 per page) It guarantees that your messages are clearly understood.

    You are welcome to visit any of our offices.
    No appointment necessary, our doors are always open.

    US Office:

    46 Columbia Str.
    Bangor, ME 04401
    Downtown Bangor, across
    from Columbia Baptist Church
    Ph. 207-262-95-95

    Russian Office:
    ulitsa Obraztsova, 14
    Moscow, Russia
    Downtown Moscow
    Subway "Mendeleevskaya"
    Ph. 095-787-91-58
  • Copyright © The Moscow Expat Site, 1999-2025Editor  Sales  Webmaster +7 (495) 722-3802