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What are the Different Shipping Options and
What do I Need to Take into Consideration?

Your personal belongings can be shipped from and to Russia by surface (road and sea) or by air – or a combination of the two. Allied Pickfords offers all three shipping options.

Generally surface shipments are less expensive than air shipments if the volume is large, but the transit time involved in shipping your personal belongings from one end to the other by surface is usually substantially longer than for air shipments.
1. Surface (Road and Sea) Shipments to and from Russia
The price for a surface (road or sea) shipment from and to Russia depends on the volume (usually expressed in cubic meters (m3), cubic feet (f3), or pounds (lbs). The weight of your shipment is usually of no importance. Depending on your origin and destination country, weight restrictions may apply for container sea shipments.
a. Road Shipments
Road shipments from and to Russia are normally the method of choice for all moves to and from anywhere in Europe (including Kazakhstan). For most destinations, both groupage truck and direct truck shipments are available.

The transit times for road shipments from and to Russia generally varies from three to six weeks for groupage trucks and from one to two weeks for direct trucks.

(i) Groupage Truck Shipments
Groupage truck shipments are used for small to mid-sized household moves. The term ‘groupage truck’ implies that your personal belongings will be shipped on a large truck together with the personal belongings of one or more customers that are using the same moving company. Depending on the final destination of your shipment, your personal belongings may be unloaded at a central warehouse somewhere in Europe and then shipped to their final destination on another truck departing to your destination country from that central warehouse. A groupage truck option is usually less expensive than a direct truck option, but door-to-door transit times are longer.

(ii) Direct Truck Shipments
If your household goods shipment is large (e.g. you are moving an entire household), if you are moving to a rarely served destination, and/or you want to receive your belongings at your destination as soon as possible, you might want to choose a direct truck. This implies that the truck will contain your personal belongings only and will go directly to its final destination without stopping at any other warehouse. A direct dedicated truck is usually more expensive than a groupage truck shipment, but the door-to-door transit time can be significantly shorter.

Allied Pickfords offers both groupage truck and direct truck shipments. Groupage trucks are available to most European destinations; direct truck shipments can be organized to any destination on mainland Europe, the United Kingdom and Ireland, and Kazakhstan.
b. Sea Shipments to and from Russia
Sea shipments are normally used for mid-sized to large moves to and from North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. For some destinations, both groupage sea shipments and direct dedicated container shipments are available. Some rare destinations are only served by direct dedicated containers.

There are two basic kinds of containers: 20’ and 40’ sea containers. A standard 20’ container will hold a maximum volume of about 30 cubic meters, whereas a standard 40’ container can accommodate up to 63 cubic meters. So-called high-cube containers providing for some additional volume are available, although not all ports can handle such containers.

The transit time for sea shipments from and to Russia can vary significantly depending on the destination or origin of your shipment. A direct container sea shipment from Russia to a North-American destination will take approximately eight to ten weeks; transit times to South America, Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Australia can be as long as three months, with New Zealand having the longest transit time. You should take this into consideration when planning your move. Transit times for groupage sea shipments normally are a little bit longer than those for direct container shipments.

(i) Groupage Sea Shipments
Groupage sea shipments mean that your personal belongings will be shipped in one large sea container together with the personal belongings of one or more customers that are using the same moving company. They are used for small to mid-sized household moves. For groupage sea shipment from Russia your personal belongings will be trucked to a central warehouse somewhere in Europe and then shipped to their final destination in a sea container from that central warehouse. For groupage sea shipments to Russia, it’s the other way around: the container will arrive at a central European warehouse and will then be trucked to Russia. A groupage sea option for smaller is usually less expensive than a direct container option, with door-to-door transit times normally being slightly longer than for direct containers.

(ii) Direct Sea Shipments
If your household goods shipment is large enough to warrant a 20’ or a 40’ container, your might want to choose a separate, dedicated container for your move. Such a direct dedicated container will hold your possessions only. Sometimes more than one container will be required to accommodate all of your personal belongings. In some cases a direct container sea shipment might be more cost effective than a groupage sea shipment.

Allied Pickfords offers both groupage and direct container sea shipments. Groupage sea shipments are available to most major international destinations; direct container sea shipments can be organized to any overseas destination (and to Russia from any overseas country).
2. Air Shipments from and to Russia
If your shipment is small and/or you want to receive your personal belongings at your destination as soon as possible, an air shipment might be the ideal choice for your move. Often people who are moving to a far-away destination send the majority of their personal belongings by surface and opt for an additional air shipment for the most urgently needed items, such as extra clothing and toys.

The price for an air shipment will depend on both the actual / physical weight and the volume of your consignment (the so-called chargeable weight).

If you want to ship large or bulky items (e.g. beds, sofas) by air, dimensions are important as not all airplanes flying in and out of Moscow can accommodate such items.

The transit time for a door-to-door air shipment is normally between seven and fourteen days, all depending on the origin and destination country’s customs regulations. Some countries require that the owner of the personal belongings be present in the country before import customs clearance can take place, which means that your shipment can only be dispatched once you have arrived in your destination country. Your moving company should be able to advise you on all these matters.

Allied Pickfords offers air shipments to and from all destinations around the globe.
Determining the Best Shipping Method Schedule for your Move
In order to determine the best shipping method and schedule for your move, the following considerations need to be taken into account:

• The volume of your personal belongings (for road and sea shipments); the weight and volume of your personal belongings (for air shipments).
• The final destination of your shipment. If you are looking to move across the globe (e.g. from Russia to the USA or Australia), you might want to ship the majority of your personal belongings by sea container and a small portion of things you will need upon your arrival by air.
• Your personal moving schedule. How soon do you need or want to receive your personal belongings at your destination? Do you already have accommodation (i.e. a house or apartment) at destination? Will you be going on vacation before taking up your new position at destination? Will intermediated storage of your personal belongings be required?
• Your budget. Who is paying for your move? Your present or new company, or yourself? What is your allowance for the move?

After all of the above have been taken into account, your moving company will help you make the best choice for your international move.

Allied Pickfords will gladly provide you with a variety of quotations for different shipping options.
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