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On-Line Travel Services / Airline Tickets now offers you a quick and easy way to make your air travel arrangements.

We can help you search for and find competitive airline ticket prices (for domestic and international flights), check routes and seat availability, and even book your flight using our online booking service.
Our partner travel agency (Infinity Travel) will issue and deliver tickets directly to your home or office in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev or elsewhere.
Quick Online Flight Search Form:
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Travellers:   (including kids)
Please, be patient, the search may take up to 30 seconds
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contact an airline ticket agent 

This service is provided on by Infinity Travel and enables you to book international and domestic flights to a wide range of destinations within Russia and around the world.

Reservation Process: Choose your date and destination (above) and the system will show you the best available fares and flights. If you are satisfied, you may then proceed to book your ticket. When the booking process is completed you will be issued with a booking reference number. An agent will contact you (by the e-mail address or phone number you provide) no later than 24 hours after your order, to confirm the final fare in rubles and arrange payment and delivery.

Payment: Payments can be made by credit card (using a faxed credit card charge form), bank transfer, or in cash (rubles only) at the agency's offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg, or Kiev.

Delivery: A courrier will deliver the tickets within Moscow or St. Petersburg. If you would like your airline ticket to be delivered elsewhere, additional charges for express post will apply (usually, not more than $50).

Contacts: You can contact Infinity Travel directly by e-mail at or phone their Moscow office on: +7 (095) 234-8000.

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