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Community Organizations
Most embassies have their own group and you can usually find the contact information by calling the embassy (try the cultural attache or office that deals with citizens of that country). Check the Expat Community Calendar for upcoming meetings.

African Women in Moscow
African Women in Moscow is a social group that promotes friendly and informal relations among its members through regular gatherings. During these meetings, they celebrate African culture while attempting to facilitate members' understanding of their host country. Membership is open to all African women and the female spouses of citizens of African countries. The group speaks both French and English.
Al-Anon Group
The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems. Al-Anon is not allied with any sect, denomination, political entity, organization, or institution; does not engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any cause. There are no dues for membership. Al-Anon is self-supporting through its own voluntary contributions. Al-Anon has but one purpose: to help families of alcoholics. English-language Al-Anon weekly support group meets on Fridays 7:30 p.m.- 8:30 at St. Andrew's Church, lower level, Voznesensky per., 8/5 between Tverskaya and Bolshaya Nikitskaya. All welcome. Inquiries: 234-2384,
American Public Speaking Club
The AMC Public Speaking Club hosted by American Center in Moscow, is a place where people learn to communicate effectively in a public setting. Participants acquire an expertise in the art of oratory and debate, get a great boost of creativity and discover innate leadership within themselves. The activities of the club are as diverse as its members. Besides its original educational system, the club provides many other activities ranging from “Debates” to various walking tours arranged by club members.
Address: Nikoloyamskaya ul., 1, American Center, Library for Foreign Literature
Metro: Kitai-Gorod
Tel: 777-6530
American Women's Organization of Moscow
Part of the world-wide network of American Women's Clubs, the organization sponsors a number of events throughout the year. Approximately 90 members: 95% US citizens or spouses of US citizens; 5% other; Honorary memberships are given to the wives of the ambassadors from the United States of America, Canada and Mexico. Apart from rather official General Meetings, Craft Bazaars and Holiday Parties at the US Ambassador's Residence in December, the Organization holds several local Workshops (Culture, Sewing, Travel, Book etc.) and number of Charity activities.
Australian and New Zealand Women’s Group
Rather small group, that is glad to welcome all newcomers – Australian and New Zealand female citizens and also spouses of the Australians and New Zealanders. There is a morning tea meeting once a month. For more information, contact the Community Liaison Officer at the Australian Embassy at 956-6070, or directly at the Embassy at Podkolokolny per., 10A/2. You may also get information at the New Zealand Embassy at 956-3579, or, or directly at the Embassy at Povarskaya ul., 44.
British Business Club
The British Business Club is a business networking and social club providing a platform for British, associated Russian and other ex-pat business people to meet at monthly meetings and other events. We are a non-profit making organisation and our aim is to raise money for our chosen charity. We are pleased to welcome new members. For more information please contact
British Women's Club of Moscow
BWC, a non profit social club for women, meets monthly over a cup of coffee and have an organized program of activities for members and their families. Meetings are informal and there is plenty of time to chat and even to shop. Different artisans are invited each month to sell their wares during the meeting. The Coffee mornings are held on the second Tuesday of every month at the British Embassy. If one would like to attend, contact the Club in advance (by the previous Thursday) at as the security guards on the gate can only admit people on the Club’s list. Membership is open to British passport holders and partners of British passport holders. Presently there are about 200 members.
General information:
Canadian Woman in Moscow
Any Canadian passport holder can join Canadian Women in Moscow (CWIM) to meet others Canadians. As a rule, group's meeting takes place one a month. It's informal relax coffee hour. If you want to join CWIM, you should register in advance at the Canadian Embassy in Moscow at Starokonyushenny per., 23.
Tel: 925-6000
Fax: 925-6025
Club Hikers
"Hikers" is an active and friendly hiking club; it is a non-profit organization and open for everyone to join. Hikes take place every Sunday all-year-round in forests of Moscow region. Everyone can ,who can do the hike, can join the club. The difficulty of the hikes are not rated, because all the hikes are alike: the distance varies from 15 to 25 km. The common languages for our hikers are Russian and English, also other European languages are spoken. The average number of hikers is around 5 to 50 hikers. Some hikes include special activities, such as swimming or sightseeing. The usual time of our coming back to Moscow is from 6pm to 8pm Hikers are lead by our Leaders. You can always find contact information of the leader along with information about the next hike on the home page.
Consortium of Women’s Non-Governmental Associations
The Consortium is a part of the International Network of the NIS-US Women’s Consortium. The Network unites over 200 women’s organizations, including 30 organizations in the USA, over 100 in Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine, and 160 organizations in Russia. Priority directions in MCGS activity are the following: conducting women's and gender studies and integrating gender theory into social sciences and the humanities, designing educational and training programs, analyzing gender issues in social policy and legislation, cooperating with state authority bodies to promote a dialogue between governmental structures and women's non-governmental organizations pertaining to the position of women in Russian society and gender equality in Russia, integrating MCGS into national and international programs on women's rights. The Consortium holds regular conferences, seminars, trainings and has developed the system of educating and training women’s organizations in developing leadership skills, promoting and advocating women’s interests, and creating coalitions. The Consortium’s Internet site: contains information on the coalition, member organizations, official documents and laws that are important for women, and about major events in the women’s movement.
Address: Stolovy per., 6, str. 2, office 215
Tel: 690-4708
Fax: 203-0807
Democrats Abroad Russia
Democrats Abroad Russia is open to all Americans of voting age, as well as non-American "associate" members. There are no membership dues, and you are not required to be a registered Democrat or even have a past voting record in order to become a member. We meet every third Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm at Liga Pap restaurant at Bolshaya Lubyanka ul., 24 (M. Chistyie Prudy) for political conversation and debate, guest speakers, and networking. New members are welcome! For information about meeting locations, special events and voter registration, contact Chairperson Andrew Hardisty.
Dutch Women's Group
The group is open for all Dutch-speaking women. Once a month they have a coffee hour, gently passing into a lunch. The group also holds some social events, approximately, once in two-three months. Schedule of meetings and events is available at the Embassy of the Netherlands at 797-2900, or
English Language Evenings Moscow (ELE Moscow)
English Language Evenings is an independent, open, public English-language lecture forum in Moscow, with more than 100 meetings hosting 90 speakers. Meeting once or twice a month from early autumn all to late spring, ELE hosts (mostly) native English speakers, usually prominent and/or interesting individuals from Moscow's greater English-language and/or foreign-resident community, giving lectures on topics of their own choosing. Among the purpose of the ELE is the providing of an intelligent-intellectual evening in Moscow in English, and the promotion of more personal interaction between the various speakers and Russians in Moscow. All visitors, Russians and "expats" are welcome! Lectures are held in the Chekhov Library/Cultural Center, Strastnoi bulv., 6. To be on the Emailing List and to automatically be notified of upcoming ELE meetings, simply send an E-mail.
International Women's Club of Moscow
The largest group in Moscow is the International Women's Club, which has an office staffed by members. The purpose of the Club is to promote friendship, and cultural activities among women of all nationalities residing in Moscow. Aside from the opportunity to socialize with women from many countries at the newcomers' teas and monthly meetings, the club offers the chance to get involved in a number of charitable programs. The IWC Charities Group holds several Charities General Meetings throughout the year.

The largest events of the year are the first General Meeting of the Club and the Winter-Bazaar. The new season of the International Women’s Club (IWC) starts in September.

If you would like to receive more information about the International Women's Club of Moscow, please send an e-mail to or visit
Latin American Women Association
Latin Women's Club in Moscow is a non-profit organization that promotes friendship between Spanish speaking women living in Moscow, developing social & cultural events that allow the integration of its members to the city and culture. Our commitment to the local reality is to play an active role in charity activities. Currently we have more than 80 members from over 20 countries, including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Russia , Serbia, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Moscow Center for Gender Studies
The Center is affiliated with the Institute for Socio-Economic Population Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It has a distinguished roster of women scholar associates, and has published numerous articles and books. (An anthology of essays by scholars associated with MCGS has been published in English, titled Women in Russia. Contact the Center for a complete list of its publications.) Besides sponsoring research, MCGS organizes conferences, seminars and training programs aimed at "integrating women into political activities and market economies." It is also developing programs in women's studies for introduction into university and high school curricula. In cooperation with the Network of East-West Women, MCGS is developing an electronic network to link women's NGOs and to address law and public policy issues concerning women. MCGS provides access to libraries, archives, and information institutions in the field of gender studies.
Address: Institute for Social and Economic Studies of the Population, RAS, Nakhimovsky prosp., 32
Tel: 725-2123
Moscow Free Speakers
Moscow Free Speakers can offer you to improve public speaking and leadership skills. This process goes step by step. Before achieving the Advanced Toastmaster degree a participant has to learn how to construct his/her speech, use body language, vocal variety and so on. Being a branch of Toastmasters International, the Moscow Free Speakers Club offers a wide range of public speaking opportunities to everybody irrespective of race, sex, nationality and religion. The club meets every first and third Thu. at 7.15 p.m. at the Moscow State College of Mines (Leninsky prosp., 6, M. Leninsky Prospekt. For more information, please, e-mail
Moscow International Choir
The Moscow International Choir brings together amateur and professional singers from Russia, Sweden, The Netherlands, England, France, Wales, America, Cameroon, Iceland, and many other places around the world. The conductor is Sergei Sidorenko, a Moscow Conservatory graduate specializing in choir direction. MIC concerts are performed to raise awareness and funds for charitable causes. All funds raised beyond costs of our concerts are donated to the charity chosen by the choir. There are no auditions to join and the working language of the choir is English. All singing residents of Moscow are welcome to join! To become a member - send an email to
Moscow Mommy Milk Meetup Group
The Moscow Mommy Milk Meetup is a place for breastfeeding moms to gather for friendship and support. The group's language is English, and it welcomes moms from all over the world to join the international group. Pregnant? A perfect place to make connections with other moms.
Rotaract Club Moscow International
Rotaract Club Moscow International is one of more than 30.000 clubs in the world that offers our members fellowship and a special way to serve the community in which we are living. The world's Rotary clubs meet weekly and are non-political, non-religious, and open to all cultures, races, and creeds. Rotarians develop community service projects that address many of today's most critical issues, such as children at risk, poverty and hunger, the environment, illiteracy, and violence. They also support programs for youth, educational opportunities and international exchanges for students, teachers, and other professionals, and vocational and career development. The Rotary motto is "Service Above Self". Meetings take place on Wednesdays, 7pm every Wednesday and 8:15 am every first Wednesday of the month at The Katerina-City Hotel: Shlyuzovaya nab., 6/1, M. Paveletskaya. For more information, contact by
Turkish Women's Organization
Founded about 10 year ago, the Moscow Turkish Women’s Organization has one general meeting per month (every first Tuesday), and also a number of activities; among them – Turkish holiday celebrations, Turkish Ball and Turkish Bazaar. Detailed information is available at the Turkish Embassy at 8 499 246-9989.
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